Director of Events
Director of Events

Erik Peterson

Erik brings 20 years of event industry experience to developing and managing the production and execution of Thunderstrike events. His background touches on the many disciplines related to creating and producing live events for companies like Adobe, Docusign, DOMO and Silicon Slopes. Erik is known for his commitment to create and manage memorable, live experiences between brands and their fans.

Where on earth do you feel most like yourself?

Remote, vast & isolated landscapes

If you could choose a car from a movie, what would it be?

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

What’s your worst superstition?

Sitting at a red light under an overpass in my convertible. Certain that I’ll either get craped on by a bird or the bridge will collapse. The longer I sit there the worse it gets. Maybe that’s more of an irrational fear.

Favorite movie villain and why?

Joker (Heath Ledger) The contrast of charm and madness in psychopaths is fascinating to me.



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